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A standardized vocabulary allows for comparison of data within and across institutions and over time. Speaking the same language helps identify patterns and trends. To facilitate this, standardized vocabulary needs to adapt with current conditions, be flexible to allow for institution-specific terms yet broad enough to provide insight into patterns across institutions engaged in tracking the delivery and assessment of learning activities.

Last updated in 2016, the standardized vocabulary list for instructional methods, assessment methods, and resources is used by many schools for curriculum mapping and continuous quality improvement. In Fall 2023, the AAMC’s Curriculum Resources and MedBiquitous programs planned how to ensure relevance for data collection, build inclusivity across the health professions, and better reflect current and future trends in teaching and learning. Between October 2023 – May 2024, the AAMC gathered feedback, collecting 583 survey responses across the health professions education (HPE) community. 

Analysis of the survey results identified key opportunities to further explore, such as the under- or over-use of certain terms; the conflation of educational methods with settings, tools, technology, and roles; inconsistencies across instruction, assessment, and resources; and overlapping terms, limited definitions, and missing elements.

We are excited to announce the launch of an Educational Method Terms working group in Fall 2024, a joint effort of the AAMC Curriculum Committee and MedBiquitous. Chaired by Julie Youm, PhD, MA, MS, University of California, Irvine, this working group brings together representatives from across HPE to revise and support the implementation of an updated educational methods standardized vocabulary list, primarily focused on instructional and assessment methods. Stay tuned for updates on their work!

Check out the current MedBiquitous Educational Methodology!

Library book

This national questionnaire collects medical education program data regarding curriculum structure, content, organization, process, and evaluation

Curriculum SCOPE Survey

This working group brings together representatives from across the health professions education continuum to review, revise, revise and support the implementation of an updated educational methods standardized vocabulary list, primarily focused on instructional and assessment methods.

Working Group Members

  • Chair Julie Youm, MA, MS, PhD, University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine

  • Nancy Adams, MLIS, EdD, Penn State
  • Amanda Albright, MS, Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, Office of Computing
  • Minoo Darvish, MEd, Case Western Reserve University
  • Lori DeShetler, PhD, University of Toledo, Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine and Life Sciences
  • Katherine Forkner, MA, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
  • Stephanie Freed, MS, Indiana University SOM
  • Helene Goldstein, MLS, American College of Cardiology
  • Nancy Hueppchen, MD, Johns Hopkins Medicine
  • Catherine Johnson, MA, Elsevier
  • Jennie Lou, MD, MS, FACS, Wake Forest University SOM
  • Katie Maietta, MPPM, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
  • Noah Pollock, MS, Oakland University William Beaumont SOM
  • Tracy Pritchard, PhD, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
  • Mahboob Qureshi, MD, MPH, PhD, California Health Sciences University, College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Michelle Annette Schickling, MA, University of Arizona
  • Elizabeth Smith-Trigg, MS, William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Emily Stewart, MD, Aquifer and Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine
  • Leslie Wimsatt, PhD, FNAOME, Des Moines University Medicine & Health Sciences